BOOTH DISPLAY ONLY!! But we will be prepared to discuss these builders, our brokerage market and inventory in St Augustine and Fort Lauderdale Florida. Along with the our Professional Marine Services.
This will be a new show for us, The St. Augustine Catamaran Center and SouthEast Sailing and Yachts. If you can not make the Miami Show and are in the Charleston/Savannah area we would like to discuss your interests in Yachting Interests whether multi-hull or mono-hull, please look us up! We offer full service to include:

Just about anything that you might need for your Yachting plans, we will be there to discuss your yachting needs!
Sales Viking Life Rafts
Gen and Air Sales and Service
Canvas and Upholstery
Bottom Painting
New Catamaran Mono-Hull Sales, both New and Previously Owned, whether buying and or selling!
Both Dry and Wet Storage, Lift capacity up to 23’6”, Rail Service up to 30'
Charter inquires please apply!
See you in Savannah!!
As always you can find me just about anytime at 954-821-6450 or email See you at the show! Can't make the Show! CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT TODAY!