This year, 2010, I would like to dedicate as much emphasis as possible into the realm of Catamaran Service and Parts for the after sale and purchase customer. I do know that it can be quite frustrating for an owner to find that simple little piece of the plumbing system, once the problem has been found, practically impossible to find and loose days if not weeks of the use of their head, sink, or whatever due to the lack of availability of a good source for say an elbow that exists in a particular system.

It all starts at the original build process. Each manufacturer sources from year to year parts an pieces to build their yachts with the most effective and cost efficient materials as possible to bring you the best product on the market at that time. Here is what happens though, especially in off shore builds, over time, suppliers are doing the same thing. Materials change, costs change and the suppliers themselves change. Further, in today's world as building has been downsized manufacturer's find that suppliers have done the same. Parts become un-available, changes in material lists have to modified and that creates a situation where it becomes very difficult to find that simple piece of plumbing from the original builder.
So please be a bit patient with your service technician, yard manager and or parts supplier when that particular occasion arises. I hope to, in my posts for this year, offer up products that we have sourced, are available from manufacturer's and welcome any feedback via comments from you as owners as to your experiences and new found either solutions and or suppliers.
Best for 2010!, and you can find me just about anytime at 954-821-6450 and email
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