Windigo, an Admiral 38 Catamaran that was for Sale! Windigo has been reborn! This listing of mine probably attracted more interest than any listing that I have ever had do to her age, size and price given Catamarans for sale. Here is the sales video that I had done a while ago.
Windigo, as She Was!

Now, Windigo did sell and she was sold to a
lovely couple out of Arkansas by the Name of the Goodson's. That's
Albert, and That is
"Charla". Had a desire to live the cruising lifestyle! She had been passed up by many folks simply because of the unknown of a project. For Albert, that was just what he needed given the budget they had established and the size of Catamaran that he knew that they needed. In fact, Albert left the choice to Charla as it was what boat to choose and after seeing Windigo, an agreement was made to set the plan in motion!

Albert, took the challenge, he did not fret over the what needed to be done. Tackled it and over the next eight months began to learn to sail her, yes learn to sail her, as large cruising catamarans were not from his past and began to address what needed to done. They knew that they need to stay within a budget. Sails were purchased used, Bimini hard tops were from materials out of the trucking after market products, wiring, plumbing, refrigeration, some new items some used. What Albert did not feel comfortable with, the marine resources of St Augustine's quality Marine Services have assisted in getting it right. Solar Panels have been added that now can produce 15 Amps of power enough to keep most of the systems running without having to look to a generator for assistance. The list goes on, and is extensive, done on a budget but proves that you do not have to spend tens of thousands of dollars to re-fit a Cat.
Charla was not just sitting around watching Albert tackle the tasks, a sewing machine and a bit of creativity were just some of her additions besides a bit of sweat equity in deep cleaning a rather neglected interior. I was very surprised when I saw the counter tops not ripped out and replaced with expensive materials, but creatively painted surfaces with materials from Home Depot. Charla chased down the right carpenters from St Augustine Florida, local talent, who added a little storage and finish to her interior.
I could go on about what a bit of American Ingenuity and Dream to go sailing can do, I do have to say that it is with Pride that I can say that I assisted in selling these folks that vehicle to accompish that dream.
I do ask all of you in the cruising community this year and hopefully for many more, to
take the time to meet Albert and Charla, as they are wonderful people always willing to lend a hand, you will be better for it as I am. Fair winds and Happy Sailing! John Anderson, you can always find me just about anytime 954-821-6450 email?
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